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 Western Glass Supply Inc
 355 Yuma Street
 Denver,  CO  80223
 (303) 744-9990
 (800) 833-9996

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M-F 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (MST)
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Automotive glass products, Parts, Glazing, Tools & Equipment   


Quarter Glass & Corner HydroBlade - Driver Side HQS177
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Quarter Glass & Corner HydroBlade - Driver Side HQS177

Many quarter glasses come to a sharp point in the back and can be difficult to remove. These blades are designed to reach into those difficult areas and cut the urethane with a serration for an even better cut!. They are also very useful for those vehicles that have corners with sharp angles. It can be very challenging to reach into some of those corners to cut the urethane. The blades are very flexible to allow the tool to be held outside the quarter glass opening while cutting inside. Each blade is designed for a specific side of the vehicle.

Made of a proprietary grade of stainless steel.

Equalizer Quarter Glass & Corner HydroBlade - Driver Side

1-3/8" Wide, 12" Long - Driver Side

Price: $54.00


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